Mental Health Week success

Last week 4-7 June, we had our first ever Mental Health Week.

During the week we had many guest speakers who we were very lucky to manage to ask to speak to each year level. They were: The Little Help Project, Mitch McPherson and the Speak Up Stay Chatty Team and Olympic Champion Boxer Luke Jackson.

We are extremely grateful for their support and participation, and them all being able to share their stories with us. Thank you for being a part of our Mental Health Week.

We also ran breakfasts on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We hope everyone enjoyed their food. Mr Golding, Mrs Davey, Mr Parkin, Mrs Marcenko, Mr Wright, Mr Reinbach, Mrs Agius and Mr Davey were all extremely supportive during the breakfasts. Thank you very much for your hard work as always. Also thank you to the leaders for coming and to many other students, such as Xanthe and Amelie Brouwer, and Kayley Biggar, for their endless hard work.

During our 7-10 assembly we had Tanya from #NOTEVENONCE. We wish to thank Tanya for her presentation to the student body. Her advice about mental health related to all students. Tanya gave one piece of advice that was extremely helpful to each of us. She said that other teenagers cannot help each other only the adults as they have had the experience to help us. Tanya is right.

But there is one thing that we can do, and that is support each other. We don’t have to give advice, but we can be someone to give someone else support. When someone is struggling mentally, it can feel like the world is against you, but when a friend tells you that they are there for you, life gets a bit easier.

We hope that everyone got something out of the week, and that they need to remember that we are always here for each other. When times get tough, look out for each other.

I personally want to thank few people for this week.

  • To all the teachers for helping at the breakfast, and to the students leaders and other students for helping throughout the entire week:
  • A huge thank you to Mrs Davey and Miss Brownrigg– your support not only to me but to the others involved in MHW was amazing and I am extremely grateful of you both.
  • To Mr Pritchard and Mr Golding, thank you for your amazing support during the week. We all are so grateful for everything you both did last week.
  • Ms Gilligan and Mr Casni – thank you for having the faith in the leaders to run Mental Health Week. Knowing we had your support behind us made the week amazing. Thank you both so much.

Finally to Mr Davey. This week wouldn’t have happened without you. I have said it a lot, but the support you showed me not only last week but for the entire year has been amazing and no words can say how grateful I am. You have been a rock to the entire Year 10 student leaders and we all are extremely grateful. Thank you for everything.

We hope that Mental Health Week will be an annual event held by the College Captains, thank you to everyone!

Remember it is ok not to be ok, we are here to help each other.

Maggie Baker - College Captain