K-4 assembly 6 September

This week we held a K-4 Assembly on Wednesday and a 5-6 Gathering on Thursday. During the K-4 Assembly the audience was wowed with some of the wonderful work happening in classrooms, including storytelling, singing and poetry!

The entertainment included a beautiful prayer from 4A, a story from Prep B, a song from prep A, a fascinating choral poem from 3B, a Japanese song, and a talk on Cambodia from Mr Voss!

Mrs Margaret Rootes our K-6 Religious Education Coordinator particularly enjoyed the prayer saying 'Congratulations to Ms McDevitt and her students who presented us at assembly today with a very thoughtful and thought provoking prayer about the creation of our world and how we should treasure and honour it. Their cosmic song was the icing on the cake!'

Ms Gilligan, College Principal, warmly welcomed representatives from the Rotary Club of Glenorchy, telling students what good work they do in the local community and of the excellent ways they support local education. The Club recently donated $1000 of classroom books to the school.

Mrs Alli Lowe, Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6, awarded 51 students for Being Responsible, Being a Learner and for Loving Kindness in the two gatherings.

Thank you to the many parents who attended - students loved having you there and your support of the College is very much appreciated.

You can see photos on our web gallery: K-4 assembly