Leadership speeches for College Captains 2017

On Wednesday 2 November, students from Years 7-9 were privileged to hear the speeches given for the election of the 2017 School Captains.

Students were required to write a letter of application, stating why they would like to be Captain of our College. Following this application, students were invited to the next stage, which was to speak to our student body. Our students and staff then voted.

To speak in front of the student body, can be very challenging and demonstrates outstanding courage and commitment to our College. The students spoke beautifully, recounting their accomplishments, goals, dreams, thoughts on leadership and most importantly desire to be the student figurehead of our College for 2017.

As a teacher, it would have been one of the best days of 2016. To see the young adults in our community, how much they have accomplished and how much they aspire to achieve is truly uplifting.

Congratulations to all the students who put their name forward.
Female Candidates: Annalise Ball, Megan Brennan, Maggie Carmichael, Kalia Combs, Felicia Di Carlo, Julia Narracott, Cally Spangler
Male Candidates: Lukas Bird, Jack Breward, Benjamin Dowling, Ryan Gavan, Noah McGovern, Connor Murray, Dylan Price, Alex Simpson

The next stage is the interview stage, so student and staff votes will create a shortlist for interviews with the Principal and Pastoral Care Team. The 2017 Captains will be announced at the 2016 Awards Ceremony at the end of this month.

Mr Aaron Davey 7-10 Coordinator of Pastoral Care