Students report on Don Bosco summer camp

Some of our Year 9 and 10 students attended a summer camp - the Don Bosco Camp - in Safety Beach, Victoria.

Summer camp was an amazing experience - it was a fun and social event. We all made a bunch of new life-long friends, some of whom are either campers or leaders.

We played lots of ice-breakers and got to know the rest of the campers and leaders from the mainland. Most days we got free time to relax and do what we felt like. For our group of Tasmanians, this usually consisted of Ga-Ga Ball or Mafia, which is a card game.

Every day we would eat so much delicious food that we felt like we would explode. Before meals we would also say grace, and most of the time it was a song we sung. Every night we were all so tired from all the activities that we fell asleep immediately and slept like babies.

During the camp we weren’t allowed on our phones, which made the camp much more enjoyable as we actually had to talk to each other and participate in the fun activities the leaders set for us.

By the end of the camp no one wanted to leave the many friends we made. The last day was a sad but fun day for us all. Some of our highlights from the camp were the bush walk we did which was a long trek through the bush with some beautiful scenery including a lookout to see the ocean. Another highlight would be a game we played on the last night where we had to build a nuclear reactor (using glow sticks); this game was really fun because you had to earn the glow sticks through games, and to play these games you had to use money which was spread out around the camp before we started.

We are all looking forward to future camps ahead and we recommend everyone to come - you won’t regret it.

Naomi Wakefield and Jacob Percy