7-10 assembly 9 May

At this week’s 7-10 Assembly, we celebrated the wonderful contributions students have made in all facets of College life. Mrs McMahon talked about the amazing efforts in raising money for those less fortunate through fundraising for Project Compassion. We also celebrated the terrific efforts of students on the sporting field and in the creative and performing arts.

When I addressed the students, I reminded them to reflect on their recent Expectations Reports for Term 1 and the feedback provided by teachers at the recent Parent/Teacher interviews.

I also asked every student to work towards achieving their very best when it comes to learning. I discussed the importance of setting clear and realistic goals that will help them achieve success now and in the future and the importance of refining these goals over the course of the term to ensure they are viable and useful in helping them achieve their personal learning goals.

Each classroom is a place for learning, where every student at Dominic has the right to learn. I ask all parents and guardians to take the time to look at the Term 1 reports with your children and to work on some realistic and useful goals for learning across all subject areas.

There are some photos from the assembly on our gallery: 7-10 assembly.

Mr Stephen Casni - Deputy Principal