Congrats DOSA Football Club award winners

DOSA Football Club held its Best & Fairest Dinner on Friday 30 October at the Carlyle Hotel, to conclude the season.

There were speeches, cheers and standing ovations for some special club favourites. Club President, Ben McKay, controlled the countdown of 3s, 2s and 1s for the B&F and reserves coach Simon Harris, and seniors coach Justin O'Brien, presented the awards.

Amongst the many worthy recipients were Luke Golding, Reserves Coach's Award, Kieran Dooley, the President's Award for Outstanding Achievement and Justin Veitch, the Bro Peter Dezani Trophy for Best & Fairest seniors.

All speakers agreed the year was outstanding in many respects, including the reserves unbeaten run of 19 games, and some great football played throughout the regular season. But coaches, captains and players were all disappointed in their final game of the year and vowed to use that hurt as even more motivation for the future.

The Club also cheered new coach Justin Veitch who has taken over from the mighty Justin O'Brien, as coach for 2016. Justin O'Brien has overseen a tremendous period of improvement and quality, and can be proud of his four grand finals and especially the 2013 premiership success.