First Years 7-10 assembly

Year 7-10 had their first assembly for 2015 on Thursday, in the Savio Centre.

Principal, Ms Gilligan, welcomed everyone, especially new students and staff, who were asked to stand and were warmly applauded.

College leaders and new 7-10 Pastoral Care Coordinator, Mr Davey, told everyone how much they were looking forward to the hard work, the study and the fun and friendship this year would bring.

Director of Creative Arts, Mr O'Brien, talked about the creation of our multi-media production 'In Their Own Words' to be performed in the elad-up and on ANZAC Day in our refurbished and enhanced Dance Studio, soon to be renamed The Oratory Space.

Mr O'Brien showed the assembly a promotional video on the work to date, and the stories discovered, to whet our appetites.

Mrs Fraser, 7-10 Coordinator of Teaching and Learning also shared her enthusiasm for the year in prospect.

Students sang with enormous gusto the school song, for the first time this year.