Homework tips, from the experts!

Teachers set homework that will enhance and support the learning in the class - to practise skills, consolidate understanding, extend knowledge, think deeply about a topic or create something unique.

Here are some great tips about homework from our students:

Set up a homework-friendly area
‘Having a clean, quiet, space to work at helps me focus and complete my homework.’ Chelsea Menzie, Year 10 Siena Academic Captain

Keep distractions to a minimum
‘I like to set up a special study place. Your study place should have a hard surface, like a desk to write on. It’s easier to concentrate on your homework when your workspace isn’t a mess. Take 5 minutes to tidy up your area before you get started. No television or any other potential distractions should be present; the quiet atmosphere will help you focus.’ Tsegabirhan Kidane, Year 10 Savio Academic Captain

Schedule a regular study time and read every day
Callum is in Year 1 and he loves to read every day in his comfy bean bag chair. Maddie Carroll likes to get into her PJs and find a good spot on the lounge to do her home reading.

Make a plan
‘In order to fit all my after school activities in the busy week, I have to try and get most of my homework started as soon as I receive it, and not leave it to the last minute. As soon as I arrive home from school, I sit at the dining table and complete as much work as I can before dinner. Later, I go to bed in time to read my book for a while before going to sleep.’ Sarah Wright, Year 6 Captain

‘After school I organise to do my homework by getting my pencil case, homework books and some snacks onto the dining room table. If I do a little bit each night then I don’t feel under pressure to do it all at the last minute.’ Jack Cassidy, Year 6 Captain

  • What can parents do to support good homework habits?
  • Be a motivator and monitor
  • Set a good example

‘I am currently undertaking further study online with the University of Tasmania. I like to set up my study area in the dining room where I can use a big table to spread out my notes. I sometimes read on the lounge nearby so I can be comfortable while I read. My family can see me setting a good example for them.’ Mrs Kinne.

  • Praise students work and efforts
  • If there are continuing problems with homework, get help.

Mrs Selina Kinne - K-10 Director of Teaching & Learning