Kinder-Year 2 Bravehearts program

On Wednesday our Kinder–Year 2 students attended the annual Braveheart’s Education Program which focuses on personal safety. It is designed to empower students with the tools to keep them safe and educate them, with a focus on resilience, while building confidence and awareness as well.

It teaches students what to do if they feel unsafe or unsure, and provides them with useful strategies to use if they are facing a difficult situation.

The show was interactive and fun! Students loved ‘Ditto’ who is the mascot. The facilitator was able to quickly involve students with actions and fun activities.

All students received a ‘Keep Safe Adventure Activity Book’ and this is a great way for them to learn about the messages given to them at the presentation.

The 3 Rules are:

  1. We all have the right to feel safe with people
  2. It’s okay to say no if you feel unsafe or unsure
  3. Nothing is so yucky that you can’t tell someone about it.

A parent session was held before the student sessions and the program information is shared with families. All information can be found at for parents who were unable to attend.

Thank you to Mrs Lowe and Mrs Stephen for organising this important and helpful presentation for our youngest students.

Mr Stephen Casni - Deputy Principal