Kitchen Chemistry in Year 4

This term, Year 4 is studying chemical science, with a particular focus on natural and processed materials and the nature of their physical properties.Recently both Year 4 classes had a great time with Dr John O'Reilly, a class parent and professional scientist. Dr John designed an experiment based on the process of cooking.

Cooking is chemistry but in this case, we ate the experiment!

We already knew that cooking is the process of taking a series of ingredients, combining them, using energy to apply heat or cold, and working with them to produce a delicious result. Dr John provided us with four variations on a cupcake recipe, to illustrate the impact that changing variables can have on the outcome of an experiment.

By removing egg, replacing self-raising flour with plain flour and removing butter we produced four variations of one recipe. By observing and tasting, we were able to assess the appearance, taste and texture of each.

The results were interesting, with all four samples gaining votes by students!

Thank you to Dr John and our parent support for such a fun, hands on experience.
Ms Therese McDevitt & Ms Emily Jenkins, Year 4 Teachers