
Thank you to our arts professionals who have been running Masterclasses for selected students throughout our Creative Arts Festival. These have been held in the Salamanca Arts precinct and have now built on our initial experience of developing this program two years ago.

Professional arts practitioners such as artist and Old Scholar Effie Pryer and street artist Jake Seven have been part of the imported teaching team. Katy Raucher has conducted a vocal workshop for music students and musician and director Les Johnstone worked to extend our Senior Concert Band. The Year 5 and 6 Concert Band had a fantastic workshop with band practitioner Sean Priest.

The model of challenging students to push themselves beyond their current achievements and standards through exposure to specialist arts practitioners is part of our development as a school in the Creative Arts.

Students have responded with great gusto and have thoroughly enjoyed the process of deliberately upskilling themselves to move from their current technique level to identify and attain specific improvements.

The Salamanca Arts precinct has been abuzz with the creative energy of the College’s students as they have enjoyed the processes and products that have emerged from the Masterclasses.

This continues to be a wonderful part of the Creative Arts Festival framework and reinforces our view that artists continually grow and that skill in the arts and appreciation of the arts is life-long.

You can see a few more photos on our gallery: Masterclasses.