Media short films

Alfred Hitchcock once said to make a great film you need three things: the script, the script and the script.

Earlier this year Media students completed their 5-second film and were beginning to make their 30-second commercial. Now they have moved to the pinnacle of their short film making careers thus far, by producing and creating a 5-minute film to enter the MyState Film Festival.

Which brings us back to the script! Now that students have had practise with storyboarding and working on camera angles to bring scenes to life, they are in the process of writing up their plot outlines into script format. This is quite challenging, as students need to be thinking visually to push the action along the page.

Unlike the shorter format, they have practised, a 5-minute film needs a script that has dialogue intertwined with physical actions, locations and mood.

This preproduction process is important so the filmmaking itself can go relatively smoothly.

We look forward to seeing what each group come up with and hope to post links to the MyState site so you can vote for your favourite!

Come along to our Creative Arts Festival at the Salamanca Arts Centre from Thursday 30 August till Saturday 1 September, where there will be 5-second and 30-second films from our students playing for the public. You’ll be abe to review their early work, before they moved on to 5-minute films!

Mrs Joanna Jeffery - Media Teacher