Mental Health Week: special K-6 events

This year there will be a College-wide focus on mental health during our Mental Health Week 26-30 August and students in K-6 will also be working on developing positive Mental Health.

Hot Chocolates before School

Part of good mental health is ensuring that we eat a good breakfast, this helps our brains to think, our bodies to have energy and our minds to focus. As part of Mental Health Week we will be offering hot chocolates and a piece of fruit from Mamma Margaret’s Kitchen on Monday and Wednesday morning between 8.30am – 9.00am. All students need to do is bring a cup!

Friendship Rocks – Craft activity

Throughout lunchtime during Mental Health Week we will be opening the old Music Room at lunchtime for students in Years 2 - 6 to design a Friendship Rock. The focus of this is to consider what makes a good friend and what strengths they enjoy in your current friends.

Building Resilience in Children

On the evening of Wednesday 28 August we invite parents of K-6 students in our Dominic Community to a Session with the Resilience Co that focuses on Building Resilience in Children.

Please note that this is a PARENT ONLY workshop and will cost attendees $5.00 to attend. More information will be coming out soon about purchasing tickets.

Project Rockit

On Thursday 29 August, students in Years 5 and 6 will be attending a workshop presented by Project Rockit. This link has some information aboutthe work of project Rockit in schools:

The workshop introduces the opportunities and challenges of the online world with a real understanding of current social networking sites and online youth culture.

K-4 Teddy Bear Picnic

On Wednesday 28 August we will be holding our first ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ for all students in Kinder to Year 4.

As part of this we will be focusing on ‘chat time’ – the opportunity to find out about others and things that connect us or how can we find out about others?

Dress Down to Stress Down day

On Friday 30 August all of Kinder–Year 6 will have ‘Dress Down to Stress Down’ day where students can come in comfortable clothing and will be working on friendship and relaxation.

We are all looking forward to focusing on Positive Mental Health in Kinder-Year 6 and the many activities that have been planned to focus on this important topic.

Mrs Olivia Stephen - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6