Social Justice Day for Year 10

On Friday, Year 10 students enjoyed a special learning experience focussed on Social Justice. Students explored the reasons why all Christians are called to work for justice in the world. The Year 10s examined a particular issue, Child Labour, as a way of gaining a deeper understanding of Universal Human Rights and the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, all of which are based on the foundational and intrinsic value of the human person.

The students were addressed by a visiting speaker, Ms Lauren Hichaaba, Coordinator of the Salesians’ Caglioro Program, who helped the students become aware of how they can become agents for change and justice in the world. The event was completed with a prayer service that reflected on the issues considered on the day.

A strong commitment to Social Justice values and action is a distinguishing feature of the Salesians of Don Bosco, and also of our Salesian college. Well done to the Year 10s; they brought maturity and focus to this special event.