Terrapin theatre review by Year 6 House Captains

On Wednesday 8 September, Kinder to 6 students had the opportunity to watch a play produced by The Terrapin Puppet Theatre. The play was about a boy and his mother moving to a town due to work and was titled The Riddle of Washpool Gully.

The boy was not happy about moving to the town but then found items that led him to believe there was a beast lurking in the shadows in a gully that no one could ever find.

This made him want to stay as he became curious and decided to find the beast. His mother did not believe the boy even though he had plenty of proof.

The boy later on found out that the beast was simply a gentle creature who was injured and frightened. They became friends and the boy never wanted to leave its side.

His mother became worried about her son running off and never telling her where he was going, she then decided that this place was not right for them and said that they must leave immediately.

The boy ran away from home and his mother called a search party but they could not find him. The beast knew that the boy could not run forever and gave him back to his mother. His mother found him asleep in a secret place, surrounded by fossil bones. Was the creature ever really there, or was it his imagination?

The clever puppets and props were inspired by Australian features and past Megafauna. The actors said the play took eight years to be written and created. The props took around half a year to make so the play was a long time in the making.

Overall it was a moving and funny play which everyone enjoyed.

William Smith - Bosco House Captain K-6 and Andrea Escobar - Savio House Captain K-6