Year 10 get a grip on leadership.

On Monday 29 February, 20 Year 10 Student Leaders attended the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Hotel Grand Chancellor.

The Dominic Leaders were amongst leaders from 15 other schools to attend this conference undertaking workshops on:

Teamwork Leadership
Teams Dynamic Events
Removing Bullying
Dynamic Speeches
How to Motivate Others

Highlights of the event included Josh Guy (Guzman Sports Captain) getting on stage and participating in a ‘Humming the Song’ competition! Josh was awarded the Loud Noise Badge for his effort.

Another highlight was Jacob Golding (Savio Creative Arts Captain) getting on stage and showing off his Dance moves, to the cheers of the crowd.

Students loved the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other and off student leaders from other schools. Students discussed challenges and obstacles and looked into ways that they can overcome these.

The leaders have many great ideas to bring back to the College and they look forward to sharing their ideas with our community.

Mr Aaron Davey - 7-10 Coordinator of Pastoral Care