Year 3 Molesworth visit

On Tuesday 6 August, 61 Year 3 students, 5 Staff Members and 10 parents ventured to Molesworth Education and Environment Centre for a day full of challenges, teamwork and learning in the great outdoors.

The excursion aimed to support learning in the classroom within our HASS units including the importance of Country/Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples who belong to a local area and how the community has changed and remained the same over time.

The excursion began with a challenging ‘river cross’ on a tyre bridge. The students were amazing and managed this challenge so well. The students then spent the day in a very hands on manner building shelters, cooking damper, learning about bush foods and the way the Aboriginal people lived from the land.

Students then had the opportunity to create paint from natural materials and make creations of their faces and bodies. On the return journey students crossed another challenging bridge made from rope.

We were all so proud of the way our students participated, challenged themselves during the excursion and the knowledge they gained is invaluable.

Mrs Allison Lowe - Year 3 teacher