Year 7 Drama: Comedy

Laughter is the best medicine

This term in Drama, Year 7 students are getting more than a double dose of humour as they begin exploring the many facets of Comedy in performance.

Each week students are developing skills and applying different concepts to create short, performed examples of specific comedy styles. Comedy can be Physical – this type of comedy can appeal to a wide audience and students have begun the unit by looking at Slapstick.

This is the most physical form of comedy with well-rehearsed moments of ‘physical’ interaction.

Slipping, tripping and moments of contact form the basis of this style, but what makes it all work is the overlay of live sound effect.

Over the coming weeks there will be further exploration into physical and verbal comedy styles.

From Slapstick to Parody and Surrealism, there is a style to appeal to everyone. The end of the unit will culminate in students devising, workshopping and presenting a comedy piece to an audience.

Mrs Samantha Healy - Creative Arts Teacher